Gene Sharp – A life devoted to explore nonviolent actions

Gene Sharp’s efforts to understand the dynamics of nonviolent action helped transform the research field in the 20th and early-21st Century, while proving inspirational to activists across the world. Sharp’s work was diverse, from his early engagement with pacifism to establishing an expansive theory of nonviolent action, from attempts to transform the defence policies of states to training practitioners of nonviolent resistance. Through some original chapters of reflection, republications of Gene’s earlier pamphlets, and appraisals of his work, Gene Sharp: A Life Devoted to Exploring Nonviolent Actions provides insights particularly into Gene’s earlier activities, the origins of some of his research interests, and his nearly career-long interest in civilian-based defence. A previously unpublished, wide-ranging interview with Gene offers his personal reflection on his work and the field of nonviolence. Gene Sharp: A Life Devoted to Exploring Nonviolent Actions, promotes the ongoing appraisal of Sharp’s contributions to our understanding of pacifism, nonviolent resistance and paths to liberation.


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