The e-book has 50 original artworks.
Said about Locked On!
Marty Branagan’s Locked On is a rip-roaring, rollicking rip-off of the venerable Douglas Adams universe–and all the froodier for it. Adams was anything but precious and actively encouraged fanfic. If the Hitchhiker’s author chose such an in-venerable, vulnerable stance for his opus, what more fitting way for a pen-hungry fan to tenderly manhandle it than with an ode to non-violent demonstration?
Branagan, apparently no stranger to the songs, campfires and occasional rubber bullets of peace protests, lets his activist credentials shine. The novel toys joyfully with Adamsian tropes, building to a fantastically silly crescendo of sci-fi intertextuality. Yet while it does this aptly it is also, quietly, a detailed cross-section of the forces at play during a mass nonviolent action. Meanwhile, it fits in more one-liners than Oscar Wilde’s deathbed and even manages a romantic intrigue or two. You might learn something–you’ll hardly even notice.
– Edward Allnutt