Tackling Trident

Tackling Trident is about two unique academic conferences in which an international group of academics, while discussing scientific conference papers, simultaneously blockaded Faslane Naval Base, home of the UK’s Trident system of nuclear weapons of mass destruction, in Scotland, in January and June 2007. This book presents the academics that took part in the innovative ‘Academic Conference Blockades’, the conference papers that outlines the scientific rational behind their nuclear resistance, and the year long campaign – Faslane 365 – in which this ‘critique in action’ occurred. Tackling Trident is a book written by engaged academics that tackles nuclear weapon issues, Trident, academic responsibility, and possibilities for academic, personal and social change. This book is a fundamental challenge to the suggested scientific legitimacy of nuclear weapon ’defence’, and the suggested political and moral ’neutrality’ of academia. Mary Kaldor, John Foster, Richard Jolly, and John Hull.



Edited by Stellan Vinthagen, Justin Kenrick and Kelvin Mason

Tackling Trident is about two unique academic conferences in which an international group of academics, while discussing scientific conference papers, simultaneously blockaded Faslane Naval Base, home of the UK’s Trident system of nuclear weapons of mass destruction, in Scotland, in January and June 2007. This book presents the academics that took part in the innovative ‘Academic Conference Blockades’, the conference papers that outlines the scientific rational behind their nuclear resistance, and the year long campaign – Faslane 365 – in which this ‘critique in action’ occurred. Tackling Trident is a book written by engaged academics that tackles nuclear weapon issues, Trident, academic responsibility, and possibilities for academic, personal and social change. This book is a fundamental challenge to the suggested scientific legitimacy of nuclear weapon ’defence’, and the suggested political and moral ’neutrality’ of academia. Mary Kaldor, John Foster, Richard Jolly, and John Hull.

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